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Landscape Lighting

Landscape Lighting   

     If you drive around a neighborhood at night, the only yards you’ll notice are the ones with landscape lighting. It is a great way to accent your house, a tree, landscaping, or all of the above. Though the idea of electrical work can be quite intimidating, installing landscape lighting is actually very easy. The hardest part is finding an electrical outlet. If you don’t have one outside, you can inconspicuously run an extension cord. Landscape lighting kits come in three parts: the power box, the wire, and the lights. Follow these three easy steps to install:

1. Plug in the power box. Yep, that’s it. Just plug it in. You may need to mount it depending on where you want it, but it is not necessary.

2. Run the wire. The wire easily connects to the power box. Run the wire to every location you want a light. Don’t worry too much about getting it perfect. The wire and lights are easy to move so you can change the location or direction of each light with ease. Once you are done, connect the other end of the wire back to the power box.

3. Connect the lights. Anywhere along the wire, you can connect a light. Most landscape lights connect with a simple turning mechanism that you can tighten with your hands. No tools required.

    And that’s it! You’re done! Simply sit back and enjoy the elegance of your new yard at night. You don’t have to tell your neighbor how easy it was. Just tell them that you did a little electrician work in college.

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