Make Your Own Organic Weed Killer The class action lawsuit against Roundup for the potential connection between the main ingredient glyphosate and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has many people looking for other ways to kill weeds. As our weather warms up, weeds are popping up everywhere, and pulling them by hand hardly seems an option. There is an easy solution; make your own organic weed killer. All you need is: One gallon sprayer One gallon of vinegar 2 cups of Epsom salt (or table salt) 1/4 cup of dishwashing soap Sunshine Mix the vinegar, salt, and soap in the sprayer. The cheapest soap and vinegar you can find will work. You can use table salt, but Epsom salt is safer in areas where you may want other things to grow. If you don't care about growing anything in an area, use table salt. Pick a day when you don't expect any rain. Spray your weeds in the morning before the sun hits them so that you can get the advantage of as much sun as possible. The dish soap helps the salt a...