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Showing posts from April, 2020


I can remember as a teenager when my family first heard that a minor league baseball team was coming to Mobile.  We began to discuss what the mascot should be.  I said, “It should be something intimidating that Mobile is known for.”  It didn’t take long for the brainstorming to start.  My mom said, “The Mobile Mosquitoes.”  My sister chimed in with a mascot that to her was, and probably still is, the most intimidating creature on Earth, “The Mobile Cockroaches.”  I’m sure if the family dog Gretal could have had a say, she would have argued for, “The Mobile Fleas.”  Why were all of our suggestions insects?  When you think about it though, insects really are the most prevalent terror in our city.  As we enter into our hottest and most humid months, the environment becomes so inviting to these prehistoric creatures that we begin to wonder whether we humans actually belong here.   Until we are ready to surrender this Earth to the insects, he...