Well it’s March. We are on the verge of longer days and warmer weather. It’s time to get outside, plant your garden, and enjoy some porch time with your neighbors. We are not the only ones excited. Mosquitoes love this weather too for it marks the beginning of their mating season. But before a female mosquito can lay her eggs, she needs your help. Don’t worry about reaching out to her. She will find you. The carbon dioxide in your breath will lead her to you. Once she finds you, there is no need for you to offer her what she needs. She will take it. She wants your blood. In return she will leave you with a sting, an itch, and a little red bump to remember her by. Next thing you know, you will find yourself running indoors and wishing the cold weather back. But have no fear. Sparty is here. Last time I wrote to you about mosquito control in your yard, I told you that the only optio...